BioModSquad Biomolecular Systems Modeling and Design Group


We are developing open source tools for research and education at the intersection of molecular/systems modeling, machine learning and optimization. These tools include foundational resources that enable therapeutic design and application specific models.


FFT Protein
FFT Protein Interpetable machine learning of protein function using Fourier-based encoding

Python package for developing and analyzing machine learned models of protein function and properties that leverage periodicities in physicochemical properties along protein sequences.

PyBio3D Protein structural analysis and generation of graph-based models of protein structure

Provides basic tools for manipulating PDB files, including visualization through, and provides a framework for developing Graph Neural Networks based portein structural data.

smolyay Python tools for surrogate modeling using the Smolyak sparse grid method.

Work in collaboration with Mike Howard (Auburn University) aimed at developing tools for multi-scale modeling based on Smolyak sparse grids.


introCSB R Resources for Learning Comptutational Systems Biology

These resources include interactive modules that are generally applicable to learning the basics of systems biology modeling, as well as, coding examples for using R to develop and analyze various types of systems biology models.